Karma Conversion-for your jewelry or watch

A long story with a very happy ending.. 

Relationships between people can be wonderful but they are difficult.  Sometimes relationships work and sometimes they don’t.  Whatever the reasons for their success or demise, relationships leave mementos and souvenirs.   When a relationship ends nicely those vestiges leave warm and happy memories and are treasured.  When a relationship ends poorly or acrimoniously the leftovers can remind us of emotions we’d rather not relive.  The lingering question is – what do you do with personal items that came as a result?   

Many choose to divest from the “things” we’ve acquired in a failed relationship and that sometimes includes things we really like, wanted, or would buy for ourselves.   

I have a solution and it comes from an adaptation of biblical law and custom that can be, with a little modern twist, used as a remedy.   You see when you need a specific agreement written in a religious Jewish court (yep, we’ve got them too) they have to be written by a scribe.   That scribe must use your “Kosher” parchment, quill pens, and Kosher ink to write the document.  Most of us don’t have such things.  The ancient solution is that the scribe gives you his/her materials as a gift and then, when the job is completed, it’s a kind and proper gesture for you to gift them back to that scribe after the work is completed.   After reading this you may now ask – what does this have to do with “Karmic Conversion”.   When a customer comes in with such an item I ask for their trust and then suggest that they “gift” me their item(s).   Once those items are “mine” I then re-gift them back.  See re-gifting isn’t always a bad thing.  When they receive the item as a gift from me it no longer comes with any of the bad karma, juju, luck, etc.  Now it comes with fresh good will and can be used, transformed, or worn with nothing but good feelings attached.   SO…don’t throw your items out, don’t give them away, either sell them to Bill or ask if he’d could give them some new karma.  We’re in the “people happy” business and we love what we do. 

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